The relationship you have with your body is one of the most important, yet most undervalued, you will have in your life.

Self-esteem and body image impact our self-confidence, identity, relationships, motivation, our emotional health and overall wellbeing.


If you’re curious to know whether your relationship with your body is holding you back from living your best life, let me ask you:


Have you ever missed out on the joy of swimming in the ocean or the pool because you’ve felt too self-conscious about how you look in bathers?

Have you ever opted out of being in a family photo or holiday photo because of how you think you look?

Have you ever missed out on celebrating your favourite people - whether it’s sharing a meal, drinks or a piece of birthday cake, because of your fears around food?


Have you ever missed out on a magical moment of intimacy with a partner because your mind is pre-occupied with thoughts of what they may think of your body?

Have you ever gone clothes shopping to buy that outfit you’ve had your eye on, only to leave disheartened and ‘outfit-less’ because you convinced yourself that your body looked bad?

Have you ever missed fun social gatherings such as nights out, coffee catch ups, meals with friends, picnics in the park…because you are on another diet and can’t eat the food?


What else of life’s beautiful moments and experiences have you missed out on because of how you feel about your body? 

How much of your life has been hijacked by your body image? 

And finally, how do you WANT your relationship with your body to be?

We were not born disliking our body, or thinking there is something wrong with our body, or that we need to change our body. 

If this may feel like you, please know that although it’s something that you may have learnt over time, with the right support, you can unlearn it too. 

So, if you are ‘done’ with living like this and you want to find body peace, I am here to support you. There is an easier, more carefree and liberating life for you if you want it. 



Body image work is about addressing the relationship that you have with your body. 

It’s not about changing your body. It’s about understanding and identifying your beliefs and changing your relationship with it to be one that is more positive. 

The goals of body image work are to firstly get to a place of acceptance, then to neutrality, then to respect. 

Body image work doesn’t resolve overnight, it is not linear, there is no ‘cookie cutter’ style solution. It is a complex ‘journey’ - because we are all unique and our stories are shaped by multiple factors including different life experiences and belief systems. 

I offer a variety of ways to work together to help you on your journey to create a more positive body image.




The most comprehensive coaching I offer is a personalised individual program. It is designed for those looking to improve their relationship with their body - for good. 

  • We go deep and explore areas of resistance that are serving as roadblocks. These may be hindering you from feeling truly at peace and fulfilled in your sense of self-esteem, body image and self-worth. 

    This program will empower you to tune into your body’s inner wisdom to learn strategies to re-frame thinking, beliefs and behaviours. It is intended to shift your perception from one of critical self to one of compassionate self.  

    One to one coaching - available as a three-month program of seven sessions or a six-month program of 13 sessions.



More than a Body - Reshaping Minds, Not Bodies.

This small group program is a comprehensive expansion of my ‘More than a Body Workshop’.

  • It is designed for those looking to improve a challenged relationship with their body in a safe peer group setting where they feel supported working with like-minded individuals. 

    We go deep and explore areas of resistance that are serving as roadblocks and hindering you from feeling truly at peace and fulfilled in your sense of self-esteem, body image and self-worth. 

    This program will empower you to tune into your body’s inner wisdom to learn strategies to re-frame thinking, beliefs and behaviours. The aim is to shift your perception from one of critical self to one of compassionate self.   

    Duration – 6 x 90-minute weekly sessions



The Body Project Program (Ideal for 14-25year olds)

Many young people experience negative thoughts and feelings about their body.

  • The Body Project is a powerful internationally recognised body acceptance program, designed to empower young people in their own body and challenge pressures placed on them by society to pursue particular body or appearance ideals. 

    The program offers a safe space for young people to join like-minded peers to learn about improving their own body satisfaction. 

    The Body Project is supported by more research than any other body image program and has reached 3.5 million adolescent and young people. 

    Duration – 4 x 90-minute weekly sessions



More than a Body Workshop

In this interactive workshop, I will take participants on a journey where they will learn about…

    • body diversity

    • body trends over the decades

    • body dissatisfaction

    • appearance ideals

    • appearance pressures

    • body appreciation and

    • improving body confidence

    I engage and encourage participants to reflect on their own belief systems and contributing factors surrounding their own sense of self-esteem, body image and personal worth. 

    Participants will learn strategies to re-frame thinking, beliefs and behaviours to shift their perception from one of critical self to one of compassionate self.  

    Duration – 90-minute workshop