Zinzino Support


Discover the game-changing benefits of Omega-3 with Zinzino. Are you feeling exhausted, stressed, or not quite yourself? Experiencing unwanted physical, emotional, or cognitive symptoms?

You very likely have inflammation in your body. Stress and inflammation manifest in many ways and impact your body right down to a cellular level, affecting your overall health and well-being.

Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce pain and inflammation throughout the body. However, 95% of people are Omega-3 deficient, have Omega-6:3 imbalance, inadequate polyphenols in their diet and low levels of Vitamin D3.

Is this you?


Revolutionise Your Health

As a Registered Nutritionist, the number one product I recommend to my clients, regardless of their health concern, life stage, or gender, is Omega-3. It is the single most scientifically supported supplement on the planet and the health outcomes are so numerous, it is undeniably a game-changer for every BODY.

I’m excited to introduce you to Zinzino, a brand that has truly transformed me. Zinzino pioneers test-based nutrition, ensuring you get exactly what your body needs. Their Balance Testing system, premium Omega-3 Balance Oil+, and other top-tier nutritional products have made a significant difference in my health and that of my clients.


Why I love it and want to share it with you?



Test, Don’t Guess

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. The BALANCE TEST is a simple, easy finger-prick test that measures your Omega-3 levels and the critical Omega-6:3 ratio. This allows you to track your progress towards a healthier you!


Superior Supplements

Zinzino’s Omega-3 Balance Oil+ combines the highest quality Omega-3, EPA, and DHA with exceptional olive oil rich in antioxidants, ensuring optimal protection and benefits. The Omega-3s come from Scandinavian ocean fish, while the olive oil is sourced from Italy and rigorously quality-controlled.


Outstanding Taste and Quality

This product not only offers amazing health benefits but also tastes great. Plus, it’s delivered straight to your door globally at a significant discount when purchased through my practitioner portal.


Choose the Best for Your Health

Zinzino offers a range of options to suit your needs, from their bestselling BalanceOil+ to the potent BalanceOil+ Premium for those with autoimmunity, skin issues, and excessive inflammation. They also provide vegan options, a water-soluble version for those without a gallbladder, and a comprehensive pre and probiotic fiber supplement.

I personally use Balance Oil+ every day to reap the full spectrum of Omega-3 benefits, along with its powerful antioxidants and other nutrients.


Ready to Transform Your Health?

If there’s one supplement you should take every day, make it Zinzino’s Omega-3 Balance Oil+. Interested in exploring further?

I'm offering an INTRODUCTORY OFFER for you to try this game-changing product. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your health and well-being.


Consultation & Balance Test $299 (USUALLY $428)