Body Image and Midlife: How It Shapes Women’s Health and Wellbeing
For decades, women have been pressured to shrink their bodies to fit an ever-changing, unrealistic ideal. From glossy magazines to social media, the message has been clear: smaller is better. But for midlife and menopause-aged women, these pressures take on a new dimension, often exacerbating body image struggles that may have begun in childhood.
Solving the mystery of the afternoon energy crash: From root causes to practical solutions
Picture this… it's the middle of the afternoon, and you're sitting at your desk, school pick up or elsewhere, when you feel it – a wave of exhaustion that washes over you, leaving you struggling to concentrate or even keep your eyes open. Your motivation and productivity take a nosedive.
An integrative nutritionist’s guide to food and the festive season
As we launch towards the famous festive season, there is a huge amount of ‘wellness world’ championing out there, seducing us with the best kept secrets for how to keep those Christmas Calories down, or burn off your Chrissy weight blowout, or how to earn your slice of Christmas name a few. (I would put the vomit emoji here if I could!).
More Than A Body - Let's Reshape our Minds, not our Bodies
The relationship we have with ourselves, including our body, is the most important yet undervalued relationship we will have in our lives!
Life in the time of inflated fresh produce costs
There is a lot of chatter about the rising costs of fresh produce across food stores in Australia. And understandably so with the escalating costs associated with supply chain issues of getting produce from the farms to our table.
Tofu and Vegetable Stir Fry
For a tasty, nutritious and balanced dinner try my Tofu and Vegetable Stir Fry
Explore the world of vegetables together with a rainbow vegetable chart
For families with younger kids, introducing new foods is about exploration and experience and when it comes to vegetables I suggest creating a ‘Rainbow Vegetable Chart’ with them.
Winning the vegetable war with your kids
It is reported that more than 99% of all children do not eat the recommended amount of 5 serves of vegetables per day.
Why the simple act of eating has become so confusing
Everywhere you turn, someone is announcing a new food intolerance, new allergy, new – sometimes conflicting - dietary advice.
We are not born disliking our bodies
We were not born disliking our body or thinking there is something wrong with it, or that we need to change anything about ourselves.
Wearing clothes is just not meant to be traumatic
Many people have struggles with their body in its present form, or dealing with bodily changes, and feeling comfortable in their clothes!
Still working from Home?
As working from home has become the new normal, how can we stay motivated to nourish ourselves and continue to cultivate healthy habits?
It’s a grocery shopping jungle out there!
If you want to make better choices with eating, it helps to make better choices when shopping.
Be the ceo of your body
In order to truly understand what diet or lifestyle works for you, your body and your health, there is one simple and obvious source to refer to – YOU!
All bodies are good bodies
When it comes to body image issues, the struggle for many is real.
Drink water
If we don’t drink enough water we will become dehydrated and our bodies wont function optimally.
Don't sugar coat it
Most Australians are consuming way too much ‘added’ sugar on a daily basis.
What to eat for breakfast
Experimenting with different breakfast foods is a fantastic way to tune into your bio-individual needs.