GUT health Nutrition Plan (6 Weeks)


Bloating, constipation, and general gut irritability are uncomfortable and can impact your enjoyment of life. Poor gut health is often considered the root cause of many other health concerns.

Our specialised 6-week Gut Health Nutrition Plan has been developed to support the natural bacteria in your gut to flourish, improving digestive function and helping you to feel more balanced and energised.  

All our Gut Health Nutrition Program recipes are based on clean wholefoods and are strictly dairy, refined sugar and gluten free. Nourishing your gut can improve symptoms such as bloating and increase regularity, energy, and overall wellbeing.

  • Delicious gut-friendly recipes that are easy to prepare

  • Meal plans that take away all the hard work and thinking about what to prepare each day

  • Plenty of variety so you don’t get bored



Ready to start your own healthy food journey?

Click here to learn more about how the taste success program can help you get back on track. I am excited to be able to offer you $50 off every program.

To register, click the link below and look for ‘Have a coupon?’ at checkout and enter the code: Romy11223 to get $50 off the program of your choice.



If you are purchasing a nourishing meal plan, and you feel more likely to succeed with a ‘guide by your side’ - I am here to support you!

I am offering an add-on special discounted 3 x 1:1 session ‘Nourish & Thrive’ Starter package. This personalised package complements your meal plan and will set you on the right track towards implementing transformative and sustainable positive changes in your nutrition and lifestyle. We go deep and explore areas of resistance that are serving as roadblocks and causing concern...setting you on the path to optimal wellbeing.

This offer is for 3 x 1:1 in person or online (Telehealth) appointments with Romy.

Click on this link here to book your initial appointment (in notes section add Nourish & Thrive Package for your 20% discount)