Still working from Home?
As working from home has become the new normal, how can we stay motivated to nourish ourselves and continue to cultivate healthy habits?
Following two years of disruptive Covid lockdowns, whilst many Australian office workers may be back to the daily grind…most are not actually back ‘in’ the office.
In a world where many people are spending more time at home and often only a few steps from their pantry and fridge, the work/home life balance and boundaries can become a bit of a blur. It can be all too easy to slip into some unwanted habits.
So how can we continue to cultivate healthy habits whilst working from home? It’s about being active participants in taking care of and nourishing our bodies to support our physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Here are some simple and practical healthy action steps to keep you inspired so you stay on track.
Setting boundaries
We need to actively take measures to create a clear divide between what is work time and what is home time. In an ideal scenario, you will have a dedicated workspace that is separate from your living space.
If you don’t have the physical space you need for this, then remember that boundaries are about behaviours too. A great example of this is choosing to strictly schedule your work hours and honour them, such as not doing any work beyond 6pm or resisting the urge to check work emails from bed.
Start your day well
The simple acts of making your bed and getting dressed ‘ready for work’ can lead to improved mindset and productivity. They may feel like small accomplishments, but those actions can set the tone for your entire day.
Take breaks
Schedule mini breaks into your day, anything that takes your thoughts away from your work. Get up and move, take a walk, hug a loved one or pet – or even yourself, run an errand or do a domestic chore. To break up a day at the desk, it’s essential to schedule in break time - including taking time out for a nutritious lunch.
Eat well
When you’re working from home in constant reach of your pantry and fridge, it can be easy to slip into some unhelpful eating habits, which are often born out of distraction, boredom, loneliness or habit.
Aim to fuel your body through the day with mainly nourishing nutrient-dense, naturally occurring and wholesome foods. Be mindful of what choices you are making for ‘snacking’ and try to choose nutritious snacks rather than over-processed, high sugar packaged foods. The key is to make sure you have a supply of healthy snacks and stock up on foods that will keep you feeling full for longer.
Water is the foundation of life, essential for survival and our health. Our bodies comprise 60-70% water, so drinking adequate amounts of it is important for optimal functioning and feeling well. Like a car running low on petrol, if we don’t drink enough water we will become dehydrated and our bodies won’t function optimally.
A bonus of working from home is access to fresh flowing water! Everyone’s water needs vary, but for hydration purposes the ‘golden rule’ is eight standard glasses of water per day. Herbal teas, hot water and plain mineral water count too. If you are someone who forgets to drink, put reminders around your workspace. Be mindful of not consuming too much caffeine or alcohol which can dehydrate you.
Move your body
If you’re working from home, it’s all the more important to factor in some movement into your day for your physical and mental health. Make the time to get outside into the fresh air and move your body. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout, you just need to get active, so choose an activity you enjoy and pick a pace and style that works for you. Just thirty minutes a day will help you feel invigorated.
Sleep well
Sleep is so incredibly underrated, but it’s a critical part of the health equation because it’s our time to rest and restore. Ensure you are all getting enough sleep and try and create a beautiful bedtime ritual or routine to unwind your body at the end of the day.
Schedule ‘me time’/self-care
When working from home it is so easy to put self-care at the bottom of our priority list. Press pause. Be kind to yourself. Slow down and breathe. Schedule time for self-care and self-nurturing. Do things that bring you joy, whatever feels right for you, and make it a daily priority. Practice some form of relaxation that is nourishing for your body and your soul.
Nurture your village. Most people are social beings and naturally crave connection. Isolation can be extremely challenging when working from home. The love and support you have are a huge part of nourishment. Stay connected with your loved ones, community and social supports – even online. Please remember it’s ok to reach out if you need extra support yourself.
Romy Bursztyn
An Integrative Nutritionist, Health & Wellness Coach, Nutrition Educator, freestyle cook and home kitchen garden hobbyist.